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Classroom physical activity helps students feel better, work together as a team, reduce anxiety, and maintain focus all while helping them learn and retain academic content. In addition, movement can be a great classroom and virtual learning management tool for teachers and caregivers by energizing tired or distracted students and calming students to prepare for learning and testing.

Whether learning is happening in-person or virtually, classroom physical activity in a WIN-WIN for students, teachers, and caregivers!

Do you know….?

  • Teachers and caregivers can help young people get physical activity while simultaneously teaching and reinforcing academic concepts.
  • Physical activity is an easy way for teachers and caregivers to increase engagement in and enjoyment of learning while keeping students safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • There are many free or low-cost classroom physical activity resources available including short, plug ‘n’ play videos that can help teachers and caregivers gain confidence to incorporate physical activity during learning.

During February, teachers and caregivers across the country can participate in Active Classrooms Month by showcasing ways they integrate physical activity into learning and highlighting the positive impact movement has on young people! Special activities like webinars and live physical activitiy boosts during the month are intended to help all teachers and caregivers experiment and build their confidence.

Active Schools and Springboard to Active Schools are here to help you all year round with resources and trainings. It  only takes a minute to get connected: