Active Schools has convened a task force of 12 national experts and stakeholders to envision how physical education can best thrive during and after COVID-19. The goal is to develop a national strategy to prioritize physical education and physical activity in our education systems, individual schools, and the public.
Charlene Burgeson, Executive Director, Active Schools
Kelly Cornett, Health Scientist, School Health Branch, Division of Population Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
William (Bill) Doyle, Scholar-in-Residence, University of Eastern Finland; co-author, Let the Children Play
Matt Ginskey, Vice President, Gopher Business Unit, Gopher
Aaron Hart, Executive Director, OPEN; Director of Educational Programs, US Games
Randall (Randy) Nichols, Professor, Department of Physical and Health Education, Slippery Rock University, PA
Georgi Roberts, Director, Health and Physical Education, Fort Worth Independent School District, TX
Keri Schoeff, Safe and Healthy Students Specialist, Arizona Department of Education
Sean Slade, Senior Director, Global Outreach, ASCD
Clay Walker, Executive Director, National Fitness Foundation
Collin Webster, Professor, Department of Physical Education, College of Education, University of South Carolina
Laurie Whitsel, Vice President of Policy Research and Translation and Physical Activity Alliance Senior Advisor, American Heart Association
Carly Wright, Vice President, Advocacy and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, SHAPE America
Would like to participate in the panel as COVID-19 has impacted many of my African American students and due to the trauma they have experience in their homes and neighborhoods, I have been interacting with my East Cleveland City School familes remotely to increase physical literacy and physical activity.
Would be great to have public report outs of the Task Force meetings – with opportunities for public comment- and include timeline of strategy dissemination.
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